Indy's Real Estate Gurus

Becki Cronin

Becki Cronin Profile Photo

If nothing else, age gives us wisdom and strength! My first job with a paystub came from picking cherries the summer of my 11th birthday. After college, I thought my dream job was radio and off I went and worked in radio in Colorado. That dream ran it's course and I joined the US Air Force, then worked in racing for the Championship Association of Mechanics, Inc. (CAM), and served the rural electric cooperatives of the nation in a marketing support role.

That brings us to the entrepreneur phase. I started and ran a local cleaning service which brings me recent. My youngest daughter and I decided to adventure together and she went to college and I took the real estate class. That was April of 2017. I joined F.C. Tucker immediately and have loved this job! I interviewed with several brokerages but ultimately, I believed that my goals, ethics, and the way I do business matched up perfectly with the Tucker management team.

My history isn't as simple as these few paragraphs but it has prepared me for real estate in ways I couldn't have imagined.

From climbing a ladder up into a tree and picking cherries all day (discipline) to talking for a living (communication). Then working with multiple federal agencies throughout Washington D.C. while at my time in the USAF (integrity, tenacity, and humility), working with great mentors at Service Concepts (flexibility and openness) to the rigors and ups and downs of owning and operating a small business (calm and patience) I have gained more than a paycheck and real estate is truly where I weave it all together.

My goal when I started was to serve people. It is my passion that owning real property is known to as many people as possible. I have to get paid and pay my bills so don't get me wrong, the pay is important, but my joy is when someone takes ownership of a home for the first or 7th time! I absolutely love the process and working with great people.

Fast forward to last year. I was pretty happy in my lane. Helping people get out from under increasing rents or relocating to our great metropolis. Going my own speed. When my daughter joined me and we created a team. I wasn't "kicking and screaming" but I embraced it slowly. We've now decided to grow Clever Home Collective and my goal is now two-fold: serve people buying or selling real estate and serve new agents as they join us as a team.

March 17, 2023

Guru Becki Cronin with Clever Home Collective

If nothing else, age gives us wisdom and strength! Becki first job with a paystub came from picking cherries the summer of her 11th birthday. After college, She thought her dream job was radio and off she went and worked in r...

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