Indy's Real Estate Gurus

Wendy Ann Gillespie

Wendy Ann Gillespie Profile Photo


My personal experiences of moving often as a child and purchasing 10 homes and selling 9 in my adult life (in a total of 7 states), gives me real life knowledge to help my clients navigate through the exciting, and sometimes confusing, journey to home ownership. My business experience, in combination with my degree in psychology has proven to be a great combination in real estate. I love the moment when we find "the one" and my buyers feel at home, even before we're written a purchase agreement and helping clients sell a current home as the next step of their life adventure is so exhilarating. Being my clients' trusted advocate is a role I take to heart. I don't conduct my business transactionally; I build relationships that last a lifetime. I am blessed that I have been able to build my business on referrals the past 10 years and look forward to many more years of helping my clients make the right move with their real estate adventure.

July 26, 2023

Guru Wendy Gillespie with FC Tucker

Wendy's personal experiences of moving often as a child and purchasing 10 homes and selling 9 in her adult life (in a total of 7 states), gives her real-life knowledge to help her clients navigate through the exciting, and so...

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