Indy's Real Estate Gurus
Aug. 21, 2023

Guru Jason Justak with World Title Real Estate

In the world of Real Estate, there are those who simply facilitate transactions, and then there are those who go above and beyond to make a profound impact on the lives of their clients. Meet Jason Justak, a passionate and dedicated professional who has mastered the art of providing exceptional Real Estate services while creating unforgettable experiences.

To Contact Jason Justak
Call or text    317-763-0110

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Rick Ripma  NMLS# 664589
Call or Text  317-218-9800

Ian Arnold  NMLS# 1995469
Call or Text 317-660-8788

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02:08 - Jason Before Real Estate

06:36 - What Did Jason Do To Get Going

10:48 - What Is World Title Real Estate

13:54 - What Does Jason Do For Fun

17:47 - What Is His Superpower

20:01 - Jason's Team

23:46 - What Makes Jason Proud Of His Business

28:02 - Question Of The Week

30:41 - Mentoring Is A Must

31:55 - Most Memorable Deal

33:51 - Misconceptions About Real Estate

42:12 - Learning From Mistakes


Rick Ripma:

Welcome to Indy's Real Estate Gurus I'm recruitment your hard work and mortgage guy. And I've been in real estate and mortgages for over 34 years, my team and I believe in custom tailored loans, not a one size fits all approach. We believe there is the right mortgage for you. And we believe we are the team to deliver it.

Ian Arnold:

And I mean Arnold play of Ricks, hard working mortgage team, I've been in the financial industry for 15 years helping customers rebuild their credit to get the best possible interest rates. I also have a passion to help you secure your overall real estate dreams and you're anything like me pay your home off even faster.

Rick Ripma:

And if you have any real estate questions or mortgage questions, please go to That's From there, you can contact Ian or I, or you can give us a call at 317-672-1938. That's 317-672-1938 And today, we have a super guru here, Justin. Just act Jason. Jason. I see for those of you who didn't hear, he was telling me most people say Justin and that's exactly what

Jason Justak:

I walked you right? On purpose. Awesome days. I

Rick Ripma:

was so worried about getting the last name correct. I got the first name all wrong. I love it. Jason. just tack. Yes,

Jason Justak:

Rick. That's it. I got it. That's it. All right. Here it is. Yeah, I'm excited to be here.

Rick Ripma:

We appreciate you coming. And next time. Don't Don't do that.

Ian Arnold:

Oh, oh, let's be honest, though. You can call him Jason. You call him Justin. Just call him at his phone number. What? 7630110?

Jason Justak:

Yeah. Like he got

Rick Ripma:

outside the 317 area code you gotta always give. Yeah, I

Jason Justak:

guess that's true. That's yeah, yeah. Okay. 177630110. Yeah. Just to clarify. Yeah, just to clarify.

Rick Ripma:

And you're with World Title real estate. exp

Jason Justak:

Correct. Yep. World Title, real estate's my brand. exp is our global brokerage. They allow us that platform to brand ourselves, be ourselves and conquer the world. Yeah, that's awesome, right?

Rick Ripma:

Yep. Yep. So how did you get into real estate? What did you do beforehand? You know, Where'd you grow up those all those good details.

Jason Justak:

I grew up a wee little lad up in Valparaiso, Indiana. Okay, so back in the northwest from here, and it was it was a great journey. graduated high school went out to Ball State University. So chirp chirp for all my Ball State alumni out there. And really cool experience, I met so many great people that are still my best friends today. And from there, I just wanted to move away from Indiana and kind of broaden my horizons and moved around a couple states ended up meeting my wife, we got married. And it just took off life. Just you know, God had that vision in front of us and started creating new opportunities, family, all this stuff started going and it was just amazing. And through that whole ride, I worked hospitality. I was you know, you name it, I waited tables, bus tables, I worked as managers, general managers, a chef, you know, all that fun stuff. It was exciting. But as my wife and I started building our relationship and growing that extra mile talking about kids talking about life, it's like, alright, the hospitality markets a little more hustle bustle than I want it, you know? Yep. So that's where it kind of led us into that real estate realm.

Rick Ripma:

Yeah, hospitality is a that's a that is a tough business. I mean, that's, that's a lot of work. I spent five years in it. I was bartender and manage the bar and that kind of thing. I never did all the backend like you did, but that's a lot of work.

Jason Justak:

It is. It is and I mean, kudos to everybody who's in it. Doing it now. Because we've been there. We've done it. It does. And it just I think it comes one of those life lessons that you're thinking, hey, all right. I'm a new stage of life. Yep. Hospitality has been great to me. But now it's time to move on. Yep.

Rick Ripma:

And some people make a career out of it. And it works phenomenally well. Exactly. You know, everything works. If you just work at it and you learn it you're you're have a little bit of intelligence. Right,

Jason Justak:

right. Exactly. Right. And yeah, and it for me, it just wasn't that you know, it just it wasn't the long term for me. And and that was okay. And here I am.

Rick Ripma:

Yep. So where did you meet your wife what state

Jason Justak:

Louisville, Kentucky and where she from Louisville, Kentucky.

Rick Ripma:

And how to talk her to come in Indiana.

Jason Justak:

Well, we actually got married and we moved to Las Vegas. So that was a nice little ride out there. And then from Las Vegas, we ended up moving to Nashville, Tennessee. So when there started real estate out in that area, and that's where it all began. was down south. Lo and behold, didn't have a lot going on in real estate. Just kind of slow going. And it just it was kind of that rut I was in right there. I had a little bit of a book of business. My good friend from broke Ball State So he, we came up and visited him during the holidays. And he's just like, Oh, you guys should just move back here just like any old friend would do. Right? Just, hey, let's, let's poke the bear and see what happens. He goes, I'll just move back up here. I go to my wife, hey, we don't have much going on. We're in between both of our parents, you know, it's not a bad idea. And she was all on board. And she's always been super supportive of me. And that's always been great. And we have those conversations and say, Hey, what's best for us? And then now the kids. And it was a great move. Because now we're up in Westfield. We've got such great school districts up there. The kids are all attending those businesses. boomin. So I think we made the right decision. I think

Rick Ripma:

he did. You know, it's right in between, like your sets in between the two families. So it's perfect. Yeah. And it's not far either one. It's not just between them. It's only a few hours each way. Yeah,

Jason Justak:

exactly. And the kids can tolerate it and we can tolerate it. So when when not

Rick Ripma:

your parents. Yeah. I mean, your parents grew up so yeah, that's what I'm, that's a group I miss. I worry about I always

Jason Justak:

say, Hey, we're closer than we were when we were in Vegas. That's right. You know, so yes, we'll leave it at that.

Rick Ripma:

You know, my wife always complains. It's like, you know, it's just, it's the same amount of time. It's just getting a plane. It's the drive a car. Yeah, she hates planes. Yeah, there you go. So you got into real estate you went, you're in Vegas, when you did that, then you came here? And how did you get going? Because that's always a tough thing is to get it real estate's a tough business to get going in. So what did you do? What was your process? How did you get going?

Jason Justak:

Great question. So I went and we moved back here, my buddy was in real estate. And so that's where he said, Hey, you could come join our team. It was an independent team. And, lo and behold, I said, Sure, when talk to the team leaders, and we, we all clicked back then though, me looking at myself. Now to where I was very negative mindset, just not the right, not the right face, kind of woe is me attitude, all that stuff. And I'm very thankful and grateful that this team opened up their arms and said, Hey, come on in. And even though they probably saw those traits in me at that time, but I think they also saw the good in me, and no one my buddy Jason, his name's Jason to knowing him. And I think they believed in him to say, Hey, this is a good guy to come in as well. So they helped retrain me and get me going fed me leads got things moving. And so that was awesome. Got my mind shifted, and that will really start to open up those doors for me. And that's, to this day, I'm a big mindset guy. Because I try to be as positive as I can I try to be as awesome as I can, any day of the week. And it's hard work. You know, I always say it's really easy to be negative. Right? Why is that? Well, because it's the easy thing to do. But it's hard work to be so darn positive, you know, and so I really work on it. I'm reading positive quotes, I'm texting positive quotes, my friends, my colleagues, business partners, it's stuff that that makes me feel great, because I'm helping them and they may have a bad day that I don't even know about, right, you know, and it's just all that. So that's where it all started. And it was me being able to hone my skills, get my mind straight. And from there, just keep advancing. And then it all started falling into play. I understood that I needed to hustle my butt off. And that's what I did start selling some home gained some more confidence. And away we go.

Rick Ripma:

Awesome. Yeah, mindsets. I mean, it really is everything

Jason Justak:

it is. It's, I believe it today, you know, if you have the wrong mindset, then you know, you lose before you start. Yep. Right. Even in the morning, you wake up on the right foot or wrong side of the bed and off to the right, wrong foot. I can't talk. That's huge. Yeah, you know, you've got to stop change that energy. It's like, Alright, hold on. Let me go for a walk or just get out of here for a minute. Stay off my phone to do whatever. Get my head straight. And now let's conquer.

Rick Ripma:

It's not I'm having a bad day. I had a bad minute. Yeah. I love it. How about 12 seconds, you know, I just had a bad. That's because you can't let it if you can avoid it. I follow a guy and it has his that he says thoughts become things choose the good ones. And that's to be very accurate. You got to choose the good because we all have thoughts. We just gotta pick out the right ones. Yeah,

Jason Justak:

right. This is true. positive than negative. Yep. And move on with it, you know, make that decision. Move on. And yeah. One of the biggest things too, that I think about is control what you can control and be open minded to change because those things that are out there, those will affect you because it may be a negative that shoots to your way you know, and now you're just like, Oh man, I didn't see that coming now I've got XYZ and my days ruined. No, hang tight. We got got this right. Yeah, mindset? Yeah,

Ian Arnold:

I mean in basically in both of our jobs, yeah, a you have a bad situation can come around to the snap of finger actually a text or email or a phone call, you can definitely have bad news but it's about getting through it because that is our goal. If you just steam on it, then you ruin everything down the line.

Jason Justak:

It does it is. And then if I were to call you as mortgage advisors, and I'm upset now that, hey, this has happened to me. And I'm being reactive instead of proactive because my mind is messed up. Now I just messed up your day and your day. And here we are. So who wants that? So that's why again, I believe it. And so with the into knock that out to say, let's keep it calm. You take a breath. And let's, let's work this out. We're professionals. Right, right.

Ian Arnold:

Yeah. So your company as I can see on your shirt, world title. So how did that come around? and everything like that?

Jason Justak:

Great question, man. So one of my favorite things is professional wrestling. I've always been a fan from when I was a young, young little boy, and just grew up with it. It was really cool once the internet started, because I learned about wrestling as a business. You know, they started having contracts, and they're talking about it on the internet about, you know, hey, their contracts up and blah, blah, blah, and it just really got my head going how great this was. So it was one of those where I love that piece. And I thought man, I would always love to be part of that in some way. So once I began real estate, it was just that that guy who said, Hey, I'm gonna buy a championship belt, I'm gonna make my clients, the champions of their new home. And it just was that whole basis. And now it's been a been able to expand from that little mindset of a young boy, to grow into what we have today of world title real estate. I host a lot of events for realtors to give back and educate them. So I have that under my LLC. That's called championship events. So it's all based under that championship banner, that world title, you know, let's hold it up. Let's raise it high. Let's make you a champion. And so that's even one of the monitors I have as well that we want to take care of our clients. We want to help agents and we want to create champions, and that's one of the best things for us. Well, let's

Ian Arnold:

help you create a few champions. So if somebody wants to be a champion, either buying or selling their home, how would they get in touch with you?

Jason Justak:

Hey, easiest phone 317-763-0110 I do text message you know, you could find me on social media. I'm most handles over over there. Feel free to pm DME however you want to say it, email Jason at World title Easy enough. And it's

Rick Ripma:

Jason not just Yes, sir. Yeah, definitely.

Jason Justak:

I should maybe get the Justin the email as well, just in case something

Rick Ripma:

like that's what everybody does.

Jason Justak:

I will work on that one. Thank you.

Rick Ripma:

And to get a hold of her I got a That's Or you give us a call at 317-672-1938. That's 317-672-1938 and thanks for listening to Andy's real estate gurus. The guru's we interview share valuable insights. They reveal their strengths, personalities and how they'll work for you. While we hardworking mortgage guys, secure your best mortgage, real estate gurus work hard to avoid problems the amateurs don't see they listen and they find unrealized opportunities. If you're buying or selling a home. A real estate guru is a valuable asset. If you're even thinking of buying or selling a home, keep listening and definitely call one of India's real estate gurus.

Ian Arnold:

All right, Jason. So we're gonna take a little sidestep from real estate, but let's get to know you a little bit more. Let's do so. If I take away your phone for 24 hours, you can not talk on it. What do we catch you doing for fun? Oh,

Jason Justak:

my goodness. Texting. Yeah, right. Yeah, man, I can't do any videos. And yeah, wow. One would be hanging out with my family. I've got three amazing daughters, that 10 Eight and six years old, that are great. So I would take that time easily and do whatever they wanted. Whether it's go shopping, go play, whatever, let's do that. And of course include my wife and and all that too. Plus it probably give her a day off. So she would like that if I was out with the kids. So that would be number one. Number two. Probably something involved with wrestling. Yes. Whether it's watching a show or going to an event that would be great. If my neighbors around my buddies, hit the golf course. Do a little fun with that, too. I'm the world's worst golfer. Don't get me wrong. So if you ever think you're the worst, play with me, you'll see that you're better.

Rick Ripma:

I don't play golf, but I have figured it out. Yeah, okay. Yeah. What's that hit the ball into the fairway? Okay. And then either hit it into the fairway again, or hit it under the green and then hit it on the green. And that hit it in the hole. There you go. Anything other than that is a mistake. So don't do that. All right, just hit it on the fairway and end up under the grain and end of the hole. There you go. Yeah. So I don't want too much. But that's when I play because I don't care. That's pretty much what I do. And that drives my little brother crazy. Golf all the time, and I beat him. That's how I do it.

Ian Arnold:

So as your girls gotten into wrestling while you're watching it, or anything, or

Jason Justak:

they used to as they've gotten older, not not as much, and it becomes more of an excuse for them to stay up with me, you know, so and I'm so torn. Because like, I know, like, deep down that yeah, they're just want to stay up. But they're, they're showing interest. So it's like, how do you balance that? So? Yes, and no question.

Ian Arnold:

It's still time with debt. So I take my kids to basketball every Saturday morning, we wake up at 630 and go play basketball. Now, my kids don't play. Usually they just run around. Maybe a couple other kids. But the only reason why they come is because afterwards we'll go get doughnuts. But hey, they'll remember that for years. So that's something I chalk it up to

Jason Justak:

and well said and it is it's those correlations to put together for everybody to so it's great. And yeah, I don't I don't try to overthink it, but it popped in my head.

Rick Ripma:

But he likes wrestling. When I was a kid we used to watch a lot of digital yet my neighbor he loved wrestling in the back then it was Dick the bruiser. Yeah, I can't there were others there. But they were I think he was from here. But anyway, it was they he this guy next door. Richard Klein, he loved wrestling. So he'd he'd bring the TV out on Saturdays, and we'd sit out in their front yard of their house and watch wrestle. How fun was it? You know, it is an interesting thing to watch

Jason Justak:

it is and it especially when it stems back from those days, you know, it's so amazing of how it's evolved, and how it's become such a big business. And as business owners, you guys as well. That's what captures my attention to this day. Because it looked at a Vince McMahon where he took that to work when different dicta bruiser was wrestling. It was just an entertainment circus act, I'm putting up my quotes, you know? And look at it now that it's such a production, that Vince is able to take it to a billion dollar industry. He's done something right. So a lot of that marketing the things he's done. pure genius, whether you like him or not, I'm not here to talk about that. But business wise,


you've learned a lot from you sure, can. Yeah, yep.

Rick Ripma:

So what would you say your superpower superpowers are? In life, and life and business?

Jason Justak:

Oh, man, you know, I'm always one I want to take care of the person that I'm with. I love to, to nurture coach, develop whatever you want to say. And that's why it's amazing that God gave me these three girls, I always said before we got married, I never imagined having three girls, I grew up with two older brothers. So that was always on my mind. And so now that God puts this in my realm, I need to adapt to how to develop girls and coach them and help them go. And then on the professional side, it's same thing. It's like, I just want to be able to help people, I want to help my clients talk to a new new homebuyer today. And, you know, he just was lost. So great. Well, let's go down to basics. And then let's go to those next steps. And that's what a lot of us do. And even as we get seasoned into this business, sometimes we need to take those steps back right? And kind of say, Gosh, hold on, let me refocus here and go back and so that's where my my niches I guess, is just really helping those in front of me and I love it. It's great. It makes me feel good. And I guess that's my guilty pleasure. I

Rick Ripma:

know it's good for both for everybody but yeah, that's really what most things are there when when if you do them right, right.

Jason Justak:

Yeah, it is. It is. It's a you're watching show Friends. Yeah, back back in the day and whatnot. They've got reruns on but they're always one of the episodes they said was there's no unselfish good deed. You know, and I always think of that because it's stuff like that where I love to help people. But I feel good when I get you know, when I help them so it's like I'm still getting a good feeling here but it is what it is. Yeah, but Well, that's love that stuff. Yeah,

Rick Ripma:

I do too. So when you when you think I've lost my train of thought,

Ian Arnold:

well, that's not that's not good for radio. Just, you know.

Rick Ripma:

I admitted. I lost my train of thought you said something I thought was really interest I want to go down that path. So

Ian Arnold:

let's talk about your team when you open up. That's how are you? Is it just you? Or do you have numerous people with you? Or how does it all? How does that company work?

Jason Justak:

Thank you love it, man. That's the exciting thing growth. Who doesn't want to grow, especially in the real estate business mortgage side? What, you know, vendors, lenders, everybody, we all want to get bigger and better. Right, right. So once I was able to start off in 2020, and bring out world title real estate, it was like, Alright, cool. I didn't really have the vision to build a team. But then as it starts coming, you start having some success on your belt, start getting noticed, here comes some people. So right now, we've got two people on our team direct world title real estate team. My wife also helps me with paperwork. So I do include her. So she's three on the team, which is great. And then where it's really cool. exp allows us the model to be a team worldwide. So I call it my global team. So with that vision, I've got 38 agents globally. So that's exciting. So that's within the United States, that's in 24 countries. That stuff is awesome. Because who thought this little guy from Valparaiso, Indiana would be in numerous countries, numerous states running businesses. I didn't. But here I am. And I want to keep that up. And I want to keep getting bigger, and I want to keep growing and help more people. Same what we're just talking

Rick Ripma:

about. So 38 throughout the world, yeah.

Jason Justak:

Getting bigger. Wow. That's incredible. Thank you. Yeah. Thank you. So where

Rick Ripma:

are they just as an idea, just South America, North North America, Europe? Well, we

Jason Justak:

of course, the United States, six states in the United States. I think so far Indiana, Illinois, Arizona, Florida. Texas, California. I think I got them all. Sorry, if I missed you. So six there, and then the majority of our out of country is in Spain. Wow. So yeah, I've got a business partner out there. He's been on fire this year with his growth package. So that's been awesome. And then we just got our newest team member in Portugal. So wow,

Ian Arnold:

awesome. Yeah. Yeah. All right. So normally asked this question. Usually there are foreign people who moved from a neighboring country to here. So how have you noticed real estate different in different countries, and now you're working with that?

Jason Justak:

It's, it's funny, because if you break down the walls of just the borders of our states, that's different in itself. When I first had my business partner, join me in California, I remember her sending me the purchase agreement, you know, and it's definitely different. But if you slow down, look at it, take your time, read it, just like anything else, you will understand that it is pretty similar. You just got to kind of shuffle Same goes for across the border, or across the bond, if you want to say you know, out that direction, because it is it's the same concept. Real estate is real estate worldwide, it just looks a little different on paper, you may have to tweak a little bit because like my buddy in Spain, they don't have lenders, they go through the bank, somehow, it's just worded a little differently looks a little differently. I don't really catch the whole piece of it all. But that's where, hey, cool. He's the expert on that. Cool. Get that I don't need to know any of that. Because I'm the expert here in Indiana. Cool, I could still help him whether it's ideas of how to grow ideas, how to market ideas, how to strategize how to have conversations with clients. That's the same. The paperwork and all that stuff. Hey, cool. You just study that and make sure you're awesome there. And then he knows that he can take it on to the next level and train that right. So hope that answer your question.

Ian Arnold:

No, yeah, you did. All right. Good.

Jason Justak:

Little tangent from time to time, you know?

Rick Ripma:

What's something that you're incredibly proud of in your business?

Jason Justak:

Ah, that's a great question. branching off and doing my thing. In 2020, it was COVID here. And you know, people were locked at home. And nobody knew what to do. And it was one of those where I just kind of weighed my options and had some conversations with my wife and had some conversations with God. And you know, what am I doing? You know, I've got these ideas, and am I thinking the right thing, or am I just crazy? And so sometimes you have to take that leap. take that leap of faith and push yourself. You know, if you're stagnant, and you're just running constant. It's cool, but it's safe. And how long do you want to be safe? And maybe not everybody wants to branch off and jump off that cliff so to speak, and try something new and that's okay, right. I'm not here to say anything about that. But I'm just, that's not me. I want I want more, I want to try give me an opportunity. I'm gonna go for it. Give me a platform. I'm gonna jump off, you know, so I think that was it because it just really opened my eyes to new stuff. And it's bringing on Team Numbers, losing team members, hiring people firing people, all these things to that. It builds your character in a positive way, you know, and I follow that mantra that I want to stay positive. So even if people are leaving, I wish I could keep everybody. Right, right. But it's gonna happen, hey, things aren't going to mesh. Well, somehow. Well, let's just stay positive. Hey, if you still need me reach out. I'm always open door. I'm not gonna I don't want ill will. I'm too old for that stuff. Right. So that's what that's what I look at.

Rick Ripma:

Yeah, you know, it is tough because people come and go, because sometimes things, there's just that piece of your life, it worked out in that time, and then you move on. And many times, man, you end up with hard feelings and everything else. So it's really good. If you can keep your Yeah, you know,

Jason Justak:

yeah, I want to keep that in check it well. And that's also the cool thing with our platform. Because I always when they come onto my team, I say, hey, I want to train you to leave me. Because if they stay within the brokerage, which that's our plan, cool, I could absolutely help them grow. And then it's still profitable for them. And cool, go be yourself, go do yourself. Go brand yourself. Yeah, I love that idea. Let's go help you do that. But the like a lot of newer agents, they need that help at the beginning, not sure where they go scripts, dialogue, social media, all that stuff is you need help. And if you don't have a coach or a team leader, then you may get lost. You know,

Ian Arnold:

I think that is one valuable evidence that between a good manager and a great manager, good managers just look after the company, a great manager looks after the company slash the employees coming up. And there's so many managers, I will say this right now, I've been countless people. But I've always, like you said looked out art, where are you going? What do you want to do? And go there too many of them are just you find a good employee. You just want to keep them? Yeah. And it hurts. It hurts them it by just keeping them on that level? Yeah,

Jason Justak:

totally agree. Totally agree. And I want the best for anybody. If they're not happy with me. Same with my clients, I tell them the same thing. If you're not happy with me, let's rip up the contract. I'm not gonna make anybody work with me that doesn't want to work with me. It's not my business plan. You know, that's not the same thing with my agents. If you don't want to work with me, man, that stinks. I did something wrong, but I need to figure out what I did wrong. So I could be a better person. So anybody else think that I want to leave? You know, in

Ian Arnold:

case you just ripped up somebody's contract? Let's get you another client. All right, good. What's the best way someone get in contact with you?

Jason Justak:

I appreciate it in 317 Oops, I hit my microphone. 317-763-0110 you could also email me Jason at World title Find me on social media it will work to and to

Rick Ripma:

get a hold of you and I go to That's Or you can call 317-672-1938. It's 31767 to 1938.

Ian Arnold:

And now we'll get into the question of the week and the question of the week is sponsored by Hey, Rick and I the hard working mortgage guys where we believe in helping and supporting you and your realtor by sending constant updates to the lawn loan process. We don't like living in black holes and we don't allow you to live in a black hole. Alright, so here's a question for you already. I'm ready. What was your first car?

Jason Justak:

Chevy Camaro 1982 Now you're lucky I know it was it was a hand me down but hey, it was a great hand me down. Yeah, it was my mom's car and then my oldest brother had it when he went down IU and then he ended up buying a new Camaro so just look at the draw. That's what you know. Hey, being the third board and it worked out so yay.

Rick Ripma:

And 82 is a good that's a good year. Yeah, yeah. What size motor Do you remember?

Jason Justak:

I don't know that well. Yeah. No, it was it was pretty awesome. Had T tops. Oh, was it it was white t tops. Burgundy interior I can see Yeah, it was great. Do

Rick Ripma:

you miss that card sounds like Oh

Jason Justak:

man it was your first car yeah, you know everybody go buy a Camaro after

Ian Arnold:

well, your Will you want to your daughter's first car be a Camaro?

Jason Justak:

Probably not because now now I've transformed into Jeep guy. So I always talk Jeep and so now my girls are like that. I want to get a jeep. I want to get Jeep so I'm like alright, so that's my new goal is Jeeps for everybody? wranglers are Rubicon Rubicon. Yeah. Okay, way to go. So,

Ian Arnold:

I don't know. I love the Gladiator. Look. Do you? Yeah. Good,

Jason Justak:

man. Good. It's different. I'm indifferent with it. You know, I don't find use of the bed in it. But a lot of people do. Cool.

Ian Arnold:

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You are the first realtor that said having a truck. You don't see the use of

Jason Justak:

hey, I hire out a lot of work. So that's how I work. He

Rick Ripma:

worries about the community.

Jason Justak:

I know I know. I'm gonna here to have one on ones. Yeah, as far as the clients Yeah, if somebody will help me with that,

Rick Ripma:

I will always love Gee, I had to I've had two, three of them. I've had three of them nice. But mine were old. Okay, not these new ones. Yeah, these new ones are really nice. Mine are not nice. They were they were not well, not comparative. So I want to touch more on the mentor, and the team, because I think that's such an important piece for people. I think it's important even for your customers, but let's talk about it. As far as you know, even an experienced real estate agent can always can always benefit from talking to somebody else who has experience and talking about what's going on. So how important do you find that in your, you know, in your structure, that mentorship and in people being on a team?

Jason Justak:

Huge. I mean, I think it's one of the biggest things that you gotta have out there is being able to collaborate, whether it's me being the team leader to the team, or me trying to get information. That's why I surround myself with those I want to become, right. If I can be like those people, then I could train my team to help be like that as well. And so having the right team members, business partners, those are all important to me. So we all can be become better have that big vision. And in turn, it makes me a better father makes me a better husband makes me a better friend. You know, so that's that whole circle. And when you start feeling all that stuff, man, it's just contagious. You know, it's just like, oh, man, this is what I want to drink that versus anything else? Because that makes me feel good. 24/7. Right, and no hangover.

Rick Ripma:

Well, that's, that's not



Ian Arnold:

All right. So I don't want to hear a hangover story. But what let's hear what's one of your most memorable deals,

Jason Justak:

memorable deals. A lot of them, it's when I'm clicking with those clients. One of my, one of my friends, he graduated from Ball State, and I just met him online. I'm a big online lead generation guy. And he came into my world and got to talk in and found out he was from Ball State, met his family helped him buy a house years later, I helped him sell a house, buy another house. And you know, and it moved up the chain. And it was a high dollar home. And so it was one of those were just getting to know them was a huge piece. And it was just so exciting to do that stuff. And again, it just, it feels so natural when you can. Now there's other ones that are a little hard that some people may need a little bit more education and collaboration for that matter. Cool. It's just when you click, you clicked. And I think that's great. And I kind of find myself like a chameleon. Hey, if I need to help and educate let's go that route. If we could just talk and we can shoot the stuff and do that and talk sports or whatever, cool. Let's go that route. Or if it's, you know, hey, we got to talk about our kids and my girls cool. Let's talk that to just works. But yeah, probably the best one is that one that where it was just felt so good. Inside.

Rick Ripma:

He resonates with Ball State,

Ian Arnold:

I guess you know.

Rick Ripma:

I went to Ball State, but I didn't.

Ian Arnold:

Oh, he won't work with you now. Yeah.

Rick Ripma:

I didn't. I went up why?

Jason Justak:

Hey, good. Still? Yeah. Great school. Yeah.

Rick Ripma:

I don't know. I, the school was better than me. Right? Yeah. The school was better than me. So what what would you say some of the, let's look at it from a, maybe a customer point of view, some of the misconceptions people have of what a real estate agent does.

Jason Justak:

Sit around on their phone all day. That's what you do? Yeah, no, no, really? Yeah. It's one of those. I think, with being a realtor and a business owner. It's a lot of work. You know, it's just you're running a business and I just, maybe it's glorified from TV where there's edits and you know, you don't see all the sweat, the tears, the anger, all that stuff that comes out, and probably rightfully so for TV, and I get that. But again, that's where not everybody may have that bigger picture in mind. So we grind, you know, and you gotta hustle in this business. And I train that we all have to hustle to be better at what we do. And we're feeling it this year as a realtor to say, hey, if we don't hustle, we may not have as many sales as we did in the previous years. And you've got to go and dig and you've got to keep building those relationships, big relationship guy, as well because even Though they may not be ready now, maybe six months, maybe 12 months, maybe two years, maybe five years, who knows, but build that relationship. And then that's when that snowball keeps coming back. And it's getting bigger. And now your business is booming. And you're feeling even better because you built those relationships. And again, you're gonna have those clickable moments. Because you've already established a rapport with them, you know, where they went to college, you know, their family, you went to coffee, maybe taking them to dinner, met them at a ballgame. Who knows. And now it's, it means more to you be in that realtor to your clients.

Ian Arnold:

So you mentioned that you do a lot of spend time trying to market yourself social media and stuff like that. So how do you do that?

Jason Justak:

Man, social media is so, so exciting. But there's so many different ways to do it, right? You know, look at the platforms tick tock, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, whatever, I'm probably missing. Yeah, right. And you see all these great Realtors on all platforms. And you're like, wow, so man, I want to be I want to see that shiny object all over the place. That's me. I'm a shiny object chaser, you know, so I need to ground myself and say, Hey, stop. So if you're that shiny, shiny object, guy or gal, slow yourself down and focus on one. And so that's where we're on doing it. So to answer your question, I'm trying to be proficient on YouTube, and add content there. So that way I could help clients that way. I could help agents, I could showcase my events, real cool stuff like this, that we're doing podcasts. Great. Let's put all that stuff. Because what that's going to do is educate more people and educates them through. If I'm talking about a client, if you look at my page to Jason just deck at YouTube there. If you can't spell that, yeah, j so when ju sta K. You want me to spell YouTube? YouTube? While YouTube go? Yeah, yeah. So just just for clarification, well, now you know, what's a bunch of your URL? Yeah. But it's those video contents that so many people love to sit and watch video while they're scrolling through their phone. They stop on those videos. And that's huge right now. So that's if you're not making videos, you probably heard it 1000 times, make a video out there. And for real estate, but add value, that value is going to really set you apart. And if you're not sure where to get value, let's connect there too. And we can help with that of how to get great content. If you have great content, that's also going to get more subscribers more people watching likes, if you're on one platform versus another. It's all huge. So and understand what that platform is, if you want to be awesome at tick tock great, understand what it means to be on tick tock or YouTube or Facebook or wherever. Understand that and they've got real basic books to start. If you're an audible guy, go to No plug, I mean, but that way, you can also read about it and learn about it, educate yourself, and then go and educate everybody else.

Ian Arnold:

So when did we start seeing your singing and dancing? Yeah. You know,

Jason Justak:

I don't think you want to see my singing. According to my daughters. They're like, Come on dad. Yeah, my ears, you know. So. But yeah, you might see me a little, maybe a little Junior there. So yeah, we'll see how it goes. Whatever, whatever it takes, right, whatever it takes. Yes.

Rick Ripma:

Yeah. I want to find out more about your charity. It's called champions. The champions.

Jason Justak:

Yeah, the champions. Yes. Tell us about that. So not necessarily a charity. I mean, I always believe in charities and do and things like that. But that is our global group of champions that we can grow. And that way we can help others. Whether it is clients, whether it's those in need. And then with our exp Realty, our whole brokerage, we have some great charitable moments there where we're giving back, you know, whether it's homes for humanity, you know, we've talked about one, all these things are there to maybe people are less fortunate than we all are. And they can't afford a home. Well, but we need to get them a home. Right? And maybe they're in a different country. Maybe they're in a different state. Maybe they're here in this state. But how do we help them? Yeah, so you know, when you talk charity, man, that stuff goes to heart too. I'm, I go to church to be a follower of Christ and just want to make sure those things are set forth. Again, it's helping others not necessarily with real estate, maybe we're helping them with a house. But it's not like my job in a way you know, I don't know if that makes sense. But but so yeah, when you talk charity man was let's keep people happy and make life better for everybody.

Rick Ripma:

I just noticed that in you were talking about it. So I just noticed real estate agents I've I've seen statistics on it are very generous people. And I think a lot of people don't understand that they don't realize how generous Are us real estate agents are as a group? Good. They're very generous.

Ian Arnold:


Jason Justak:

I like that you say that. So thank you on behalf of all of us. I think if your budget and your money, right you can you know, and again, it's where are you with your real estate business? Are you brand new and you only have one or two sales probably less able to help. But as you get that experience, and everything keeps continuing to move on, then hey, cool. Yeah, I can't donate X amount of dollars. And I believe in this cause, yeah. And when it means something, just like we're talking about that clickable moment with clients, you have a clickable moment with a charity as well. Then, how cool is that? You believe in it, you're behind it, you support it, you're at the golf outing, and you're at this your, you know, whatever function they're doing. Great, cool. 00 mindset to get rid of that money to help somebody else out.

Rick Ripma:

Even if you don't have a lot of money. When you give a little bit, you're you're telling your mind that you have extra. And that's your talked about mindset. That's really good for your mindset.

Jason Justak:

It's true. Coming from abundance. Yes. You know, versus scarcity. Exactly, is what that boils down to, right. Yeah. And I mean, yeah, if you're like, oh, gosh, I don't know where my $20 I don't know where my next 20 bucks is coming from. Instead of saying, Hey, you take it, I don't, I don't need that. $20 you take it, you need it, and go with it. I'm okay. Without it. I'll get money some other time. And I'll be fine. That's cool. That's coming from abundance. And it's same mindset with selling homes. That's a Monday abundance mindset, you know, do you say hey, good, more will come? Or are you mad that oh, man, she took that listing and I should have had it or he took that listing and I should have had, it's okay. Obviously, they did something better. You know, to attract that client. I just need to up my game, and be a better person as far as a professional learn from it is it's coming from abundance? Don't Don't get mad at that agent. Don't you know? It's okay, come from abundance? Well, there's more clients out there, right? The whole bunch, we just gotta go find them.

Rick Ripma:

Lots of people, you know? Yeah.

Ian Arnold:

All right. So talking about learning. So if you had to go back until your first year selling real estate, you had to tell yourself something to educate yourself or something, you know, not to mess up? Or to start, what would you tell yourself? You're running

Jason Justak:

a business is number one is what I would say. Because when I got into this, I remember so what I didn't tell you, when we were talking about hospitality, when I did shift, I actually got fired from my general manager job. And one of my kids was getting ready to be born, it was just was a real spin in my life. You know, it was just my mind went all over the place. And just what do I do next? You're not supposed to be providing went into real estate. And I remember my aunt was in real estate at that time down in Texas, and so was my buddy, Jason that we talked about. And both of them said, with your great personality, you will do well, in real estate. So my mindset was already personality. Alright, cool. I can shine, I could dance, I could seem you know, like we're talking about on the videos. I could do this, and I could sell a house. Cool. Cool. But no, you're running a business, you know. And so that's what I would go back and tell myself, Hey, look at it as an entrepreneur, this is a mind shift right now, to say you're in charge, you're gonna hustle, you're gonna work your butt off and make this happen. And then people aren't going to come and they want to learn from you. You're going to grow them, you're going to develop them. And as overwhelming as that sounds, grasp it. And then as you grasp that concept, then you could say, I got this and now you move to that next level and then the next level next level, keep building up until you're a rock star.

Ian Arnold:

That's, that's pretty good. I gotta tell you, give you an A plus for that one. All right, so I know we're running up on time, but before we cut out who's the greatest wrestler ever?

Jason Justak:

Yeah, it's a great question. Oh, no, come

Ian Arnold:

on. You gotta answer this one.

Jason Justak:

Oh man, the limousine riding jet flying wheel and stealing son of a gun Ric Flair baby

Rick Ripma:

has panned out.

Jason Justak:

I always love Ric Flair man. He just he was again that personality and caught your eye back in the 70s 80s You know and so I'm just looking at him and now he's persevered through so much. And it again look at the stories. Don't look at him as a wrestler. But look at his story that he's almost at and can't remember his age. But from what he's gone through amazing some of the documentaries that are on him, like I just sit there and like whoa, I didn't know that about him. So that again, it just sheds a new skin of these of these guys and gals that are busting their humps out there. So love me some Ric Flair Man,

Rick Ripma:

that's what I love about. What I love about doing this podcast is because I love the stories. And, and it's amazing what you can learn about somebody as you just talk to them. And we don't tend to do this very much. And that's why I think it's valuable to sit down and talk and just find out about people because it really lets you know who they are. Yeah,

Jason Justak:

I totally agree. And I think we're all very fast paced. You know, with our cell phones and everything. It's always go, go, go, go go. And for that, yeah, we do need to slow down and ask the questions and talk and do this and just learn, hey, what's about you? What's important to you? All right, stuff

Rick Ripma:

in our businesses, that that's really what our business is, especially real estate, probably more than us is, is your business is about. It's not about houses. It really is, right? It's about relationships, as you said, and so you're running a business and it's about relationships, and you just happen to sell houses.

Jason Justak:

That's it, right? That's exactly. That's all it's about.

Ian Arnold:

So somebody wants to get in a relationship with you and either buy sell a home or even just talk wrestling with you. Yeah. Or get on his team. I want to get in contact with you.

Jason Justak:

Thank you. 317-763-0110. That's my cell phone. Call me. And if you don't want to call me text me shoot me a video. That's cool, too. I'm all over on social media, or even an email works to Jason at World Title real And how do they find you on social media? Go to YouTube at Jason just EQ on Facebook. World Title Real Estate. Jason just X out there. Instagram. I don't know. How do you spell your name again? JASONJUST A K.

Rick Ripma:

Justin, so I need to I need. I need help. Jason. Yeah, Jason.

Jason Justak:

I appreciate it. Rick, I want to

Rick Ripma:

make sure we got it right. I don't want to mess this up. And everybody looking for the wrong

Jason Justak:

name. Yeah. Well, I don't I don't know. I'll have to google Justin. Just deck. Yeah, I'll see if he's out there. Yeah, maybe he's getting somewhere busy.

Rick Ripma:

Maybe he's not real.

Jason Justak:

Yeah, that'd be his will that let's talk. All right. Don't forget I'm Jason.

Rick Ripma:

And to get a hold of me in our I got a That's Or you can call 317-672-1938. That's 317-672-1938. And follow us. For more in these real estate gurus.

Ian Arnold:

A reminder if you have any friends, family, coworkers looking to buy sell, refinance, let us know we'd be more than happy to help you. Jason, thank you for joining us on our show today. It's been a pleasure having you on.

Jason Justak:

Very cool. Thank you guys. I appreciate this. It's always a wonderful piece to talk and share stories. Yeah,


we have great stories NMLS number 33041 Recruitment NMLS number 664589. Arnold's NMLS number is 1995469 equal housing opportunity. Some restrictions apply

Jason Justak Profile Photo

Jason Justak

Broker/Owner/Global Leader

In the world of Real Estate, there are those who simply facilitate transactions, and then there are those who go above and beyond to make a profound impact on the lives of their clients. Meet Jason Justak, a passionate and dedicated professional who has mastered the art of providing exceptional Real Estate services while creating unforgettable experiences.

With a genuine desire to positively change lives, Jason offers a wide range of services, from buying, selling, and investing in properties, to coaching, developing, and educating others in the industry. But it doesn't stop there. Jason believes in infusing every interaction with joy and fun, making the home buying and selling journey not just effortless, but also enjoyable.
Family lies at the heart of Jason's mission. Understanding the significance of a home in shaping family dynamics and creating lasting memories, Jason is committed to helping clients find their perfect haven—a place where dreams are nurtured, and relationships flourish. Through Jason's unwavering dedication, countless families have discovered the transformative power of a home, experiencing profound changes that extend far beyond the realms of Real Estate.
Beyond serving clients, Jason is also deeply invested in the growth and success of fellow agents. By leading, coaching and inspiring others to follow their dreams, Jason empowers individuals to find their unique direction and unleash their full potential. With a focus on growth—mentally, spiritually, and emotionally—Jason cultivates an environment where dreams can take… Read More

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